The baseline and final studies of the project “Inclusive Governance and Shared Identity for Sustainable Peace and Development”

The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) is the leading development organization in Kyrgyzstan. Since 1993, UNDP has been actively involved in contributing to the success of the country across various domains, including inclusive growth, environmental conservation, crisis management, governance, gender equality, and the implementation of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

The main goal of the project is to strengthen social cohesion by promoting trust and cooperation between the state and society (vertically), and between different groups (horizontally), through advancing inclusive, tolerant, and equal civic identity, inclusive and accountable governance that facilitates dialogue and respects the rights and interests of all population groups in Kyrgyzstan, regardless of their ethnic, gender, religious, or interregional affiliations. Additionally, the project aims to enhance early warning systems for taking preventive measures.
For assistance in monitoring and evaluating the progress towards achieving the project’s goals/results, two surveys are conducted: a baseline survey and a final survey. These surveys involve the development of methodologies and the analysis of collected data. The baseline study was conducted between October 2022 and January 2023. The final project survey is planned to be conducted in February 2025.

The goal of the baseline study is to determine the baseline indicators and gather data on current values to monitor the level and depth of changes in the perception of target groups regarding inclusive governance and social cohesion processes, the level of trust of the population in the actions of national and local authorities, as well as the impact of the project and its activities on the sustainability of these changes and the Project’s management by outcome indicators. The goal of the final survey is to evaluate the achievement of baseline indicators and document the attainment of the project’s results.

The research methodology involves conducting surveys of the population in project pilot locations (the city of Tokmok in Chuy Province, the city of Balykchy in Issyk-Kul Province, the cities of Osh, Nookat, and Uzgen in Osh Province, the Suzak village district in Jalal-Abad Province, and the city of Aydarken in Batken Province), as well as one control location (the city of Kara-Suu), with a sample size of 1800 individuals.

Additionally, within the scope of the research, focus group discussions (FGDs) and in-depth interviews are conducted to gather qualitative information complementing the quantitative data collected during the survey. The primary focus of the qualitative component is to identify risks and challenges that may arise during the implementation of the project and to obtain recommendations and suggestions for effectively carrying out project activities considering the local context and specificity.

The data obtained from the research will enable the assessment of the progress of the project’s outcomes at both national and local levels (evaluation of changes at the pilot locations’ level), as well as the effectiveness and sustainability of the achievements obtained.

You can find the analytical article prepared within the framework of this research at the followinglink.

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